Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Well after Spokane, we went to California for a week and went to the cabin and out on the boat with my family. It was so much fun and I really needed it. Kyle and I have never been boating together so that was a fun. We got to Cali a little over a week after finding out that Shea had cancer and had to immediately get his tumor removed. I was so anxious to get home so that I could hug him and see that he was ok in person. Having Shea in our family has been such a blessing to us all, he is so fun and easy going. He is such an example to me of hard work and patience. It's so hard to hear that a loved one has cancer, but its part of life's trials and all we can do is pray and put our faith in Heavenly Father that everything will be ok. One of the things I admire most about Shea is his ability to accept everyone for who they are and he never thinks badly of them, he has a wonderful ability to love everyone. So thank you Shea for being a great example and a wonderful brother to me. I love you so much and miss you like crazy. Don't every forget that we love you and need you in our lives, and don't every forget how much your Heavenly Father loves you. Here are pictures of Kyle and I wakeboarding and trying to surf behind the boat.
Going out on the boat with my family is my favorite thing to do. I love just going for rides, and I love wakeboarding and surfing. We had such a fun time.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Happy 4th of July... a month late
It was such a pretty day and we saw a few bald eagles that were flying around.
After our river trip we went home and took a nap. Than we went and watched the fire works. We drove down town and it was so busy that we ended up parking in a parking lot and sitting in the back of the truck with pillows and blankets. We did one of my family traditions and brought a bag of popped pop corn and some twisllers. It was a good show but we were a little disapointed, we were hoping for a much bigger show.
We had bought a waterproof camera for our water rafting trip and we didn't finish the film on our trip. So one of the days at the pool at our apartment complex we finished our film.
We thought this picture was really funny because of the woman in the back ground.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Farewell Grandpa Randall, we love you.
Kyle and I were able to go to Utah for my Grandpa's funeral, and it was wonderful to see all my family again. It was a very nice service for my Grandpa and it was so nice to look back on his amazing life. The weekend was wonderful and much needed. I really enjoyed the time away from work and to be reunited with my siblings and to have Kyle there for support. He has been such an amazing comfort to me these past 10 months that I've been with him. He fits in so well with my family and that is a very good thing since I can't be without him now. We laugh at how attached we are to eachother, and it is so hard to let him leave every day to work and to be alone all day long. But he is worth it, I would put up with a lot worse if I have to. I'm so greatful for Kyle and the man that he is. I'm so grateful for the patience and understanding he has for me, and for all my weaknesses.
My family's last picture of us all together was when Kyle and I got married and Amy was pregnant with Abby. So I made us all take one that weekend because no one is expecting a baby and so we have everyone in the picture.
I had such a fun time seeing all my family that I have missed so much. I was able to play with all my nieces and nephews that I miss so much. Staucie and I had a lot of fun jumping on the trampoline together. Our hair got all messed up, but it was so worth it.
Friday, June 12, 2009
One of Our trips to Wyoming.
So I was going through my camera and I found these pictures that I forgot about. In the end of April Kyle, and I went to Wyoming before we headed up to Washington. One of the days that we were there we went to Jackson Hole with some of his family. We mainly just walked around and went to dinner. The shops were fun to look through. And some of them had amazing stuff in them.
Welcome to Wyoming.
I don't have words for whatever this is.
I had know idea that they found Big Foot, and that they stuffed him.
I don't know who the people are under the antler arch but there are a lot of these in Wyoming.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
So we have different clothes on in some of these photos because we first went to the river on saturday night and than we went back on sunday night.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I have been a little lonely during the day because Kyle is usually gone from 10am to about 9pm. So I try to keep myself occupied with working out, grocery shopping, cleaning, reading, and doing the little bit of office work that I have. I don't hate my job, but I will probably not do this next summer. I have to wake up at 7am to let the installers pick up their equipment and do inventory. And I usually don't go to bed until 11:30 or 12 the night before. So I don't really sleep as much as I would like. But I can't really complain because I'm sure I'm getting more sleep than other people. I am really glad that I don't have to wake up at 3am though, this is so much better than that. I do miss my husband, family, and friends. I am trying not to be too shy this summer so I can make some friends to hang out with during the day. But so far not much has progressed.