Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Things are going well for Kyle and I, we are still waiting to hear back about the offer we put in on a townhouse in Saratoga Springs. So I'll keep you posted on that deal.

So Kyle and I decided to go on a hike the other day, it was up the Mill Creek Canyon on a hike called Pipeline. The hike was about 2 miles long and it took us almost 2 hours. Poor Kyle had to go at a very slow pace and take lots of brakes because I made him take me with him :)
The hike felt so good and I loved being outside in the wonderful weather. I have been staying pretty active during my pregnancy and have felt pretty good through my whole pregnancy. I do however have random days where I get nauseous at random times. The other morning, driving to work I got sick and threw up right when I got to work. I threw up so hard that I popped blood vessels all over my face, eyes, and neck. It was the worst throw up I've ever had. I felt so pretty after words :) But I did feel better right after words :)
So I am 33 weeks and 3 days into my pregnancy. At 32 weeks my doctor started having me do Non Stress Tests on the baby twice a week. So I go in on Mondays and Thursdays and they hook a monitor up to my tummy for about 30 minutes and they measure her heart rate and how often she moves. So far she is doing excellent :) And I having been doing pretty good with keeping my blood sugars where they need to be. I am getting pretty tired of eating the same thing every day. But I do mix it up a little bit by eating lots of popsicles, I love them so much right now:)


  1. Look at that cute baby bump! I can't wait to hold your baby!!!!!!! You don't look pregnant from behind at all!

  2. I love your little pregnancy!! Can't wait to see you soon!! :) Good job momma!!
